Stoughton State Bank, fire December 1, 1918

"City’s most serious fire in many years, flames early yesterday wreck State Bank and Postoffice Buildings, break in Telephone Service" read the article headline in the Stoughton Courier Hub, December 2nd 1918

“The most serious fire that this city has experienced in many years, early yesterday morning badly damaged the Stoughton State Bank building almost entirely wrecked the adjoining building owned by the bank and occupied by the Postoffice and the Candy Kitchen on the first floor, and by the Wisconsin Telephone Company, Dr. C.S. Toay, Mr. and Mrs. James C Simon, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bustrum on the second floor.   As one result of the fire which put out of commission the telephone plant over the State Bank, there occurred what we believe is the first complete cessation of local telephone service since the Stoughton exchange was established in the middle nineties.”

“How and just where the fire stated cannot be learned …”   

“It was Mr. Bustrum, we are told, who first became aware of the fire shortly before half past three o’clock yesterday morning, and notified the telephone night operator, Miss Bernice Mickelson, who immediately notified Manager Hiram Nelson of the local exchange. “

“The firemen deluged the buildings with water, of which there was an abundance, and one time it appeared as if the fire was practically out, but soon afterwards the flames broke out again in numerous places with greater force than ever.  It was one of the most vicious fires that our firemen have had to fight …” 

Stoughton Courier Hub, December 2nd, 1918