Williams Carriage House    

The old Williams Carriage House was built in 1887-1889 by John A. Williams and family.  Mr. Williams owned what is now LaFollette County Park, Lake Kegonsa State Park and some private property along Williams Drive.  He bought several hundred acres of land on the lake in 1860. 

The carriage house was unique because the second floor was suspended from the roof, leaving the first floor open and free of supporting posts.  The Victorian-style house was intended for horse and carriage storage.  The architecture was that of an antiquated Pennsylvanian type which is rare and very refined.  

The original paint on the building was bright red with white trim around the eaves and louvered windows.  In 1966 the land was purchased by the State and the park was developed.  The money to repair and preserve the carriage house was never raised and on October 21, 1970 the Williams Carriage House was torn down. 

Sources:  “History of Lake Kegonsa”, no name, no date and Stoughton Hub, August 21, 1956  

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